Monday 27 January 2014

Egg Pasta with Salmon and Cream - Tagliolini al salmone

When I was living in Italy, my mother in law used to buy this plate already made and I tell you, I could eat 3 servings of it. This one is one remains one of my favorite pasta dish and moreover it is very easy and quick to make. You can click on the video for more details or just follow the instructions listed bellow.

Difficulty: Easy  Servings: 4 Preparation: 20 min


    Fresh egg pasta: 250 gr or half a pound
    Smoked Salmon: 150gr or 5 oz
    Single Cream: 250ml or 8.5 oz
    Fresh Parsley: A small bunch
    Butter: A small piece
    Stock cube: Half
    Olive Oil : 2 full spoons
    Salt and Paper: To taste


Step 1: Put the water for the pasta and add the stock cube
Step 2: Chop the onion and cook it until golden
Step 3: After 2-3 minutes add some of the water from the Pasta
Step 4: Chop the salmon  and the parsley
Step 5: Add the salmon. When it becomes white add some water again. Cook until soft. It takes about 5 minutes.
Step 6: Add the cream and the parsley in whichever order you like
Step 7: Add the butter and salt and cook until dense.  It takes about 5 minutes.
Step 8: Add salt to the water and cook the pasta following the directions on the package.
Step 9: Mix the pasta and the sauce. Give it two minutes and serve


Alternatives: Tagliatelle or Spaghetti
Use 250 gr (half pound) If the pasta is fresh or
Use 400 gr (0.85 pound) If the pasta is dry.


  1. This recipe sounds really good. :) I love creamy pasta dishes. I'm actually vegan and I take pride in my ability to veganize pretty much anything.. I think I will put this one on my list. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This recipe looks good. Ive cooked salmon patties, filets, and eating it cold on salad but I have never used it in a pasta dish. Interesting.
